Thursday, April 9, 2015

This Is Just To Say by William Carlos Williams (Poem #2)

I really liked this poem because of what it is implying; that sometimes we like things that are sweet and cold, opposites of each other, that go together perfectly. We sometimes take advantage of something even though we know we should not, just like the narrator said, “I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast.” This shows that the narrator knew that the plums were probably saved for someone else, but could not resist it’s coldness and sweetness. You would think that sweetness is so far from being cold, but that is what makes the plums delicious to the narrator. The narrator wanted to be forgiven, even though he/she enjoyed the plums. If someone is too much of something, it is not good, that means there is no balance whatsoever. If someone was cold (cold-hearted), and had no sweet tendencies, than the person would not be enjoyable to be around. If the person was too sweet all of the time, and can not be cold at times, this person would be walked all over, and taken advantage of. If a person can be both when needed, than the person is balanced, just like the plum was. The plum, originally sweet, was put into an icebox, making it could; the conditions the plum was put in made it “so sweet, and so cold”, just like the narrator said. This is true to humans, like I said before, if one is put into a situation when they needed to be cold, they have the ability to do so, just like the plum did based on it’s surroundings which is what made the plum so desirable to the narrator.

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