Sunday, April 5, 2015


1) When I initially read Othello, I didn't focus on what the narrator meant by telling us that Desdemona's dad loved him. I liked it the first time around, especially since I already read the play before and loved it. The second time reading it, I really focused on what Othello was saying between the lines: he was exaggerating his experiences to seem more appealing to Desdemona's father, and to Desdemona. In those days, being an experienced man was mandatory, and made him a 'knight in shining' armor.

2) Some of the questions were easier than others to answer. I had to put more thought into some questions. The questions I did not find so hard were the ones with the quotes from the poem, asking about what the narrator was trying to say, and another I found easier than others were the questions that asked the definition of a word in the context it was used in the text. The questions I felt like I needed more instruction on were the ones that asked what two lines stated the same idea, and the one that asked about what line the poet introduces no variety into the passages iambic rhythm.

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